Compilation tools

According to the kind of compilation you want to do, you need to install some tools.

  1. Ant compilation

    Ant 1.7.1 is embedded in Squalix. So there is nothing to install in this case.

    See here for some informations on how do an ant compilation in Squale.

  2. Maven compilation

    To perform a maven compilation with Squalix, you have to install maven. For this please refer to the Maven documentation

    Do not forget to set and export the environment variables for Maven.

    See here for some informations on how do a maven compilation in Squale.

  3. Eclipse compilation

    Squale is able to perform a java compilation based on the .project and .classpath files of Eclipse projects by directly running Eclipse in a plateform mode.

    See here for some informations on how do an eclipse compilation in Squale.

    1. Install Eclipse

      For that purpose, an Eclipse 3.2 distribution or sooner (either Windows or Unix/Linux versions) should be installed on the server with the following directory tree :

         |-- SqualeWeb
         `-- Squalix
              |-- bin
              |-- data
              |-- logs
              `-- tools
                   `-- <eclipse_base_directory>
                          |-- configuration/
                          |     `-- config.ini
                          `-- plugins/

      The plugin 'com.airfrance.squale.builder.eclipse32' should be installed in the 'plugins' directory of the eclipse installation. For the moment you can download this plugin from our svn

      Nota : You can install as many distribution as you need. These other distributions can be compressed (zip) and they don't need to have the plugin installed in them.

    2. The file eclipsecompiling-config.xml

      In the directory squale_base_directory/Squalix/bin/config, you should configure the file eclipsecompiling-config.xml

      • Tag <executable>: you should indicate the JAVA_HOME/bin/java to use.
      • Tag <squaleEclipseHome> : you should indicate the location of the default Eclipse distribution which contain the plugin 'com.airfrance.squale.builder.eclipse32'.
    3. The file message.xml

      In the message.xml file (that you can found in the distrib in the directory : 04-config-files/i18n/), for each tag <message ...> which have for key : eclipseRCPList, you should list each eclipse distribution you had installed.

      Example :

      <message lang="fr" key="eclipseRCPList">
              /app/.squale/Squalix/tools/eclipse/eclipse_3_4_2, /app/SQUALE/, ...
      <message lang="en" key="eclipseRCPList">
              /app/.squale/Squalix/tools/eclipse/eclipse_3_4_2, /app/SQUALE/, ...