Step 2: deploy Squale Web

Squale Web can be installed on any Servlet 2.3 compliant server running on Java 5.

Squale Web is currently developed and heavily tested on Tomcat 5.5, but it is also deployed in production mode on many other servers (the following lists the ones we know of or heard of):

  • Websphere Application Server 5 & 6
  • SunOne Web Server 6.1 & 7.0
  • Glassfish 2.1

As an example, we will show how to deploy Squale on Tomcat.

  1. Set up the required environment

    Squale Web needs at least a Java 1.5 Runtime Environment.

    Create the following directory structure:

        `-- <squale_base_directory>
            `-- SqualeWeb
                `-- logs

    On UNIX systems, these folders should be writable by the web server user.

  2. Set up the web server

    Remind that this part is given as an example on how to deploy Squale Web on Tomcat 5.5.

    1. Datasource

      The name of the datasource is "jdbc/squale".

      Create a "tomcat_home/conf/Catalina/localhost/squale-web.xml" file with the following data:

        <Context docBase="squale-web" path="/squale-web" >
                      driverClassName=" ... "       
                      <!-- For MySQL : com.mysql.jdbc.Driver -->
                      <!-- For Oracle : oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver -->
                      <!-- For MySQL  : jdbc:mysql://serverName:port/scheme -->     
                      <!-- For Oracle : jdbc:oracle:thin:@serverName:port:SID -->
                      <!-- login of a user of the database -->
                      <!-- password of the user of the database -->
                      maxWait="-1" /> 
    2. JDBC Driver

      Copy the JDBC driver JAR (corresponding to your database) into Tomcat 5.5 common/lib directory.

    3. JVM arguments

      Set the JAVA_OPTS environment variable as following (example for Linux):

          export JAVA_OPTS="-Djava.awt.headless=true -Dsquale.home=<squale_base_directory>"
  3. Deploy the SqualeWeb war

    In the distrib archive, you will find in the folder 02-squaleweb-files a WAR called "squale-web-XXX.war". Uncompress this war. Rename the directory obtain as squale-web ( and not squale-web-XXX ). Edit the file "squale-web/WEB-INF/config/hibernate.cfg.xml" and set the correct database dialect.
    For example :

     <property name="dialect"> ... </property>
            <!-- For MySQL : org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLInnoDBDialect -->
            <!-- For Oracle : org.hibernate.dialect.OracleDialect -->

    Now copy the squale-web directory in the tomcat "webapps" directory and start the server.

The Squale Web installation is now completed. Next step is to install Squalix