Standalone Squale installation
The standalone version of Squale uses an embeded HSQL DB and an embeded Tomcat to ease its installation.
The database is already filled with data:
- configuration and quality grids already inserted
- an example application configured and ready to be analyzed
- 3 accounts to connect to the web portal :
- user1/user1, a "project manager"-like user
- user2/user2, a "developer"-like user
- squaleadmin/admin, a "admin"-like user
The aim of this standalone version is only to help you test Squale rapidely.
Installation instructions
To install this standalone version, you just need to double-click on the JAR file that you have downloaded and follow the graphical installer instructions.
Note: if double-clicking does not work, you can launch the installer by running the following command:
java -jar squale-standalone-X.Y-installer.jar
Note for Windows users
- To start Squale, click on the "Start Squale" shortcut: 3 command windows will open, which is normal.
- Then click on "Open Squale Web Portal" to connect to Squale
- To stop Squale, you have to :
- click on "Stop Squale", which will close 2 command windows
- press "Ctrl-C" in the last command window to stop Squalix
Note for Linux/UNIX users
- Depending on your operating system, the shortcuts may have not been created properly. If this is the case, then you will have to start and stop Squale manually thanks to the scripts located in the installation folder
- If the shortcut "Open Squale Web Portal" has not been created, you will be able to access Squale (after starting it) at the following address: http://localhost:8080/squale-web/