Configuration of the project's tools

The tools to configure depends on the profile and the source recovery tool you have chosen.  Given a standard java project.

  1. Source manager configuration

    By default Squale use scm as source manager>> :

    1. Fill the absolute path to your project, and the login and password if needed.
      • For local the path should be like : scm:local|path_to_repository|module_name\
      • For cvs the path should be like : scm:cvs:pserver:@server:/path-to-repository:module_name
      • For svn the path should be like : scm:svn:http://server/directory\
        • If the sources are
        • The path would be : scm:svn:
        • In this case module_name would be : SqualeSample2Modules

      For more information on the syntax for scm, please see the scm website

    2. Click on : Confirm.

    Now all the path we will define during the configuration will be relative to their module_name directory. (The module_name directory should be included in the path, that means the path will start with its module_name directory)

  2. Java compilation configuration

    You can do two kind of compilation in java :

    After the compilation next step to configure the analysis perimeter.

  3. Analysis perimeter

    To configure the analysis perimeter :

    1. Add the path(s) to the sources.
    2. Add file(s) you wish to exclude or include.
    3. Click on : Confirm.

    The analysis perimeter is configured.

  4. CheckStyles configuration

    For the checkstyles configuration :

    1. Select in the list the checkstyle configuration corresponding to your project.
    2. Click on : Confirm.

    The configuration of checkstyle is done.

  5. The configuration of macker

    To configure macker :

    1. Put the path to your ruleset file for macker.
    2. Click on : Confirm.

    The configuration of macker is done.

  6. Configuration of PMD

    To configure PMD :

    1. Select in the list the pmd configuration that match to your project.
    2. Click on : Confirm.

    The configuration of PMD is done.

  7. Finish configuration

    Click on : Finish configuration.