Ask for an audit


User1 has the right to ask for an audit: a milestone audit or a follow-up audit. You can change the frequency of a follow-up audit by modifying the configuration of your application.

  • Milestone audits are limited audits, and they won't be purged.
  • Follow-up audits are done every 'n' days. 'n' depends on the value you put in the configuration of the application for the parameter "audit frequency". Those audits will be purged, you can modify the purge frequency.

How to

On the horizontal menu, go to "administration" -> "my applications". Then, just select the type of audit you want to ask and enter the date you want it to be done. If you have selected a milestone audit, you also have to enter the name of the tag to audit.

Now let's see some actions Squaleadmin can do