Introduction to Squale
Assist developers in improving the code of their projects.
Help project managers to meet quality requirements for their applications.
Give top-managers dashboards to monitor the overall health of their information system.
This is what the Squale project is all about.
Squale in a nutshell
Squale is a qualimetry platform that allows to analyze multi-language software applications in order to give
a sharp and comprehensive picture of their quality:
- High level factors for top-managers
- Practical indicators for development teams
- Squale takes raw quality data and aggregates it into high level factors -
The 2 faces of Squale
To help you deal with the quality of your software developments,
the open source Software QUALity Enhancement project (aka Squale) focuses on two
main aspects:
- Works on enhanced quality models
- inspired by existing standards (ISO-9126) and approaches (GQM, McCall),
- validated and improved by famous researchers who are part of the Squale team,
- dealing of both technical and economical aspects of quality,
- Development of an open-source application that helps assessing software quality and improving it over time
- based on third party technologies (commercial or open-source) that
produce raw quality information (like metrics for instance),
- using the quality models to aggregate this raw information into high level
quality factors,
- all this targeting different languages, including Java, C/C++, .NET, PHP, Cobol, ...